County of Los Angeles

Department of County Engineer

Mr. Dominick Foti
Independent Sewage Treatment Systems
15661 Producer Lane, Unit "B"
Huntington Beach, California 92649

Dear Mr. Foti:


We have reviews your letting of July 5, 1977 with representatives of the County Department of Health Services and agree that under the following general conditions your systems will comply with the Los Angeles County Plumbing and Public Health Codes:

Your tank will be redesigned to comply in all respects with the requirements the Los Angeles County Plumbing Code and the Interim Guide Criteria for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Septic Tanks (IGC 3-74) published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.
The tank will be installed and connected in compliance with the Plumbing Code to a Code complying disposal field(s) or seepage pit(s).
Additionally, you may install a one-inch PVC subsurface irrigation system, with a minimum burial of 18 inches, to distribute waste water to a separate bed for disposal by infiltration and evapotranspiration.
You will be allowed to install the subsurface evapotranspiration beds in the 100% expansion area required for disposal fields or seepage pits on new installations, and in existing failing systems you would be allowed to install the subsurface evapotranspiration beds in the existing leaching field or pit area and the new code complying field(s) or pit(s) in the original expansion area.

As with all other private sewage disposal systems, each installation would require complete review and approval by this Department and the Department of Health Services. Under the conditions stated the systems would comply with County Codes and, therefore, would not be limited in number. However, because of the unique nature of these installations all plans would be required to be submitted to the Building and Safety Central Office for review and approval. (This office is schedule to move to 532 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 90020 the week of July 25, 1977).

We would like to emphasize again, as we have in the past, that any deviation from the system just described would only be considered on a very limited experimental or demonstrational basis.

Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you desire any additional information or clarification of this matter.

Very truly yours,
Stephen J. Koonce

Signed E.E. Wachter, Jr.
Supervising Mechanical Engineer
Building and Safety Division